
photography prohibited

Dear PS1,

You can keep my work off of your walls, but
you will never keep me from taking photographs.

Not even in your space.

Aaron Anderson


1 oak

1 oak 2 oaks 3 oaks 4 oaks 5 oaks 6 oaks 7 oaks 8 oaks 9 oaks 10 oaks 11 oaks 12 oaks 13 oaks 14 oaks 15 oaks 16 oaks 17 oars 18 oars 19 oars 20 oars 21 oars 22 ears 23 cars 24 cars 24 cars 24 cars 24 oars 25 oars 26 ears 27 oals 28 orts 28 roks 29 jaks 29 kaks 29 oass................................................................................................................7000 oaks


Bats in the belfry.